Raytek Raynger ST20 / ST30 Infrared ThermometerThe Raytek Raynger ST20 infrared thermometer has a user-selectable temperature range of -25 to 999?? (-32 to 535??), a 500 msec reading response time, and a weight of 11 ounces.
Raytek Raynger ST60 / ST80 Infrared ThermometerThe non-contact Raytek Raynger ST60 infrared thermometer has a temperature range of -25 to 1100?? (-32 to 600??).
Raytek Raynger MT4 Infrared ThermometerMT4 is pocket-sized and easy to use - just point, shoot and read the temperature on the large backlit display. When you need a fast, easy, safe \r way to measure surface temperature, you need a MiniTemp non-contact thermometer.
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