Did you know that 8% of males & 0.4% of females are classified as having defective colour vision and therefore may not be suitable for not working in jobs where good colour vision is required?
If, within your company people use their eyes to assess colour in a quality control environment or are involved in colour critical decisions it is obviously important to establish…. Can they see Colour? Can they judge colour?
If colour vision is critical within your own company you should consider Colour Vision Testing, one of the four colour education courses offered by ColorController.
The Colour Vision Testing include the Ishihara Test to test for Colour blindness, an abnormal condition characterized by the inability to clearly distinguish different colours of the spectrum. The difficulties may be mild to severe.
The Ishihara Test
The Ishihara Test comprises of 24 colored plates containing a circle of dots randomized in color and size.
As illustrated below, within each randomized pattern are dots which form a number visible to those with normal color vision and invisible, or difficult to see, for those with a red-green color vision defect or blue colour deficiency.
The existence of a deficiency is usually clear after a few plates, the testing of the full 24 plates gives a more accurate diagnosis of the level of severity an individual color vision defect.
The above plates are for illustration only.
The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test
The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test, is a highly effective method for testing an individual’s colour vision and has been used by industry and government for over 10 years. It is used to detect colour vision abnormalities and to assess precise levels of colour discrimination.
This test consists of four trays containing a total of 85 removable reference caps spanning the visible spectrum. Colour vision abnormalities and aptitude are detected by the abilityof the subject to place the coloured reference caps in order of hue within each tray.
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